Homeless and travellers in Switzerland

Source: Brief von Alfred Siegfried, Zentralsekretär der Pro Juventute an das Polizeikommando des Kantons Aargau, 14. März 1938, publiziert in: Leimgruber Walter, Meier Thomas und Sablo-nier Roger, Das Hilfswerk für die Kinder der Landstrasse. Historische Studie aufgrund der Akten der Stiftung Pro Juventute im Schweizeri-schen Bundesarchiv, Bundesarchiv Dossier 9, Bern 1998, Anhang 10.
Source: Karl Bossard (alias Johann Peter Feible, Karl Johann Feible, Karl Knobel, Johann Stössel), born 1838, in Carl Durheim’s collection of portraits of stateless persons, CH-BAR#E21#1000/131#20507#27*.

Historical sources in the Swiss Federal Archives on the problematic handling of a transient population by the state and society.

Stateless people and travellers were viewed as a politico-social and a policing problem far into the 20th century. Representatives of a civil, residential society tried to force them to settle down, take on steady jobs and ensure their children attended school regularly. The welfare foundation "Pro Juventute" and its "Relief organisation for vagabond children" played an important role in these "re-education measures".

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