Strategy 2021–2025

The SFA’s strategy for the years 2021–2025 continues their ongoing development towards a systematically digital archive. While the strategy for the previous five years focused on online access, the current strategy turns its attention to transfer and archiving: the SFA will be phasing out two key digital archiving systems that have been in operation for more than a decade, and further developing their digital archiving solutions. At the same time, they will be optimising their new access services, putting in place the capacity to deliver all orders online in the medium term. 

The 2021–2025 strategy is divided into the following five action areas. The specific objectives are set out in the document linked below. 

1. Towards a digital archive

The SFA are systematically geared towards the digital transformation. They will progressively automate their standard processes while remaining focused on the benefit to customers. 

2. Cooperation in the digital transformation

The SFA will be actively involved in shaping the digital transformation within the Federal Administration, and act with their partners to ensure that archiving is factored in at an early stage and safe-guarded for the long term.

3. Secure and coherent archiving of information

The SFA will archive all information that is relevant to government policy. They will ensure that digital submission is a simple process and equip digital archiving systems to meet future needs. 

4. Online access to information

By 2025, the SFA will enable users to access archived information online as standard, at any time and wherever they are, and will manage the strong growth in demand. 

5. Further development of the SFA’s organisation

As an organisation, the SFA will continue to develop with an eye to the digital transformation by means of a participatory process. Staff members and managers will expand their skills and work more closely together across departments and services.

Further information


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Archivstrasse 24
3003 Bern

+41 58 462 89 89


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Archivstrasse 24
3003 Bern

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